Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 83 - 1 Samuel 18-20

Day 83 - 1 Samuel 18-20

1 comment:

  1. Not to the liking of Saul, Jonathan, his son, and David become soul mates. The impulse to jealousy happens when the chanting women give more attention to David than to King Saul. David is fast becoming a popular idol. Michal, Saul's daughter, becomes David's wife. In spite of the fact that Saul sends David on a dangerous mission in hopes that he will be killed, Yahweh is with him. Saul gives outright orders to kill David at which time his wife creates deception by putting an image in the bed to delay those in pursuit of David. Now David becomes an outlaw. Jonathan makes David swear that when he becomes king he will remain loyal to their covenenat of brotherhood. He now covers for David's absence which infuriates King Saul who is now moved to hatred at the thought that David may be the next king.
