Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2: Genesis 4-7

Day 2: Genesis 4-7

Okay, I know this is early, but I will be away from a computer when the new day arrives. Enjoy, and make lots of comments!

God of ancient ways, guide us to hear what You have to say to us. Help us to open our hearts and minds as we read, study and share. Our hearts to heal old wounds and open our souls to new hope. AMEN

Brotherly Love

Ah, sibling rivalry. I can recall fondly, well, may not so fondly, the odd interactions between myself and my two siblings. It seemed that at least one of us was constantly on the outside of some inside joke, or had done something bad enough to cause alienation from the remaining two. Not to mention all the times the three of us competed to be the favorite child, even though we all know that I am the favorite.

Much like Cain and Able, we all try to gain favor in our parents, and in God. We give the best of what we have to offer. Yet, at times, it seems hard to understand the reaction our offerings illicit. During a past group discussion with the youth group, one of the young people raised an inspiring suggestion for the story of Cain and Able. To this young mind, the story was that of two villages, one of the other of farmers and ranchers. As is sometimes the case, a drought hit, causing unease amongst the farmers of Cain. War resulted between the two villages, and the ranchers were slaughtered and the ground that was once their field was destroyed.

I like to explore the story in a different way. Throughout the Biblical narrative we see God working through the "least." Here is no exception. Able, the youngest son would have little in the culture dominated by first-born privilege. Yet, Cain, his elder, was worried that Able would take the praise. Jealousy is the story at play in my reading of this passage. Jealousy Solely based on the "regard" from God. God's "regard" must be a very precious thing. But Able puts it best when reacting to his brother when he states, "If you do well, will you not be accepted? "(Genesis 4:7) Sometimes we get so lost on being the best or getting the most praise that we forget that God's unconditional acceptance is already given, much like how my parents' love is equal for all three of their children ... even when I argue that I am the best .

The Flood

Is it just me or the Bible full of stories about a new creation and a new covenant from God ... but wait, that is reading ahead.

Ocean It is easy to rationalize that to the people of the time a great flood could be similar to the floods we see in the Midwest or a typhoon hitting a small Iceland in the. To tribal people, the whole world is a much different concept than to our contemporary reality. Although the easy answer to the great flood is to put it in perspective of history, I sometimes think we take the easy way out with such explanations.

Again we come to this notion of sin, and wickedness resulting, however, I find it interesting that we really do not know what the actual acts are wicked. Moreover, if God wanted to destroy everything on the earth, or even just human kind, why warn Noah to build the arc.

Maybe, just maybe, the flood of Noah's flood was a spiritual flood, a spiritual renewal. We all go through times of torrential rain and swirling floods. We have all been there with water over our heads. Yet, God is there, waiting out the storm with a new covenant, a new life, a new beginning. As we prepare for tomorrow's reading, think of the floods that are in your life, the ones that have been, the one that is currently swirling or even the one yet to come. This time, remember God is still there at the end.


  1. I got kinda stuck on the jealousy thing. Jealousy really is a corroding force in relationships and within entire communities. Is it not enough to trust that God doesn't make junk, that we as created beings have what makes us precious in God's eyes and that is enough. I know I don't trust it many times. Too many times I'm comparing myself to others and not trusting in God.

    I need to think more about that flood thing. Seems wasteful of God and I have trouble getting past that.

  2. Don't be too concerned about God having flooded the earth. The Genesis stories are intended to teach lessons about humankind's evolving relationship with God, but they are definitely not factual accouints of actual history.

  3. I would add that even as God is angry at Cain, He still protects him from harm

  4. @d I guess I want a better story LOL. One where everyone gets on the ark.

  5. I am saving my comments for class (need to digest anyway), but I REALLY appreciate your blog, Beau, and everyone's comments! This is going to be a good Bible study!!

  6. I think the point of Cain and Abel is that Abel was thoughtful in his gifts. He brought fat portions from some of the firstborn. Cain just brought some fruit and stuff. Seems to me the message is that Cain was not doing what was right and he knew it. Instead of changing his ways, he continues by murdering his brother, then lying about it, then feeling sorry for himself when God tells him he must be punished. Of course, God is merciful and still protects Cain from others (what others?) who might harm him.

    Then Cain lay with his wife--where did she come from? This is my difficulty. If Adam's was the original line and the only original line, how did the others get here? Who are they?

    I get the genealogy and there are obviously gaps in it, but it's Cain's wife that haunts me.

    Comments on the flood later.

  7. Kendra,

    I wrestled with the difference in offerings between the brothers. Yet, when reading the NRSV (my preference and suggestion to all of you), the line reads "their fatty portions." The "their" would reference both giving their best gift, for "fatty" means best not actual fat. So, if the gifts are both the best portions, the first portion, what does this means to the narrative.

    The entire who they married thing is an interesting piece. Some people think that maybe both creation stories occurred, thus creating two sets of "man."

  8. Perhaps we tend to try and read more into the story than needed. The lesson may just be about jealousy and loving one another. Acceptance.

    - as a side note - I do love all my children the same amount - maybe in different ways - but all the same :).

  9. 3:7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked-humankind reached the age of reason. Humans knew they could make choices and suffer consequences.
