Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 339 Galations 4-6

Day 339 Galations 4-6

1 comment:

  1. John Dominic Crossan in In Search of Paul writes “Modern scholarship distinguishes between the Abrahamic covenant as given in the various separate sources now combined into one consecutive account in Genesis 11-25. The opponents used Genesis 17:1-27 from what scholars now call the later Priestly tradition, which certainly emphasizes circumcision and never mentions faith. Paul went immediately to Genesis 15:6, from what scholars now call the earlier Yahwist tradition which certainly emphasizes faith and never mentions circumcision…Think, for a moment, of the difference between a traveling scholar with access only to past learning in present memory as against a scribal scholar with access to a magnificent library of biblical and other texts. Paul had memorized sequences of citations on key subjects…His education in the synagogue at Tarsus had prepared this very intelligent youth to be a apologist for Judaism and a polemicist against paganism amid the well-educated Tarsians around him…Paul uses…proof-text linkage…and again he cites the Greek Septuagint translation Galatians 4:27=Isaiah 54:1…Galatians 4:30=Genesis 21:10.”
