Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 123 - 1 Chronicles 27-29

Day 123 - 1 Chronicles 27-29

1 comment:

  1. The army is organized with 12 officers, each with twenty four thousand men for annual military duty, one for each month of the year. David appoints leaders over the tribes of Israel. The officials in charge of David’s person affairs oversee his treasuries, fields, vineyards, olive trees, sycamores, herds, and camels. Can’t you smell the country air and feel the Presence in these rural settings? David announces that Solomon is to be his successor, according to God’s own choosing. Is David still mourning the loss of his other sons, each murdered? No mention of the violence and murder that led to Solomon’s ascent to the throne. David has received the plan of the temple from God and this is given over to Solomon with parental words of encouragement. David asks the assembled congregation to give freely toward the construction of the temple as he has done. No better way to lead than by example. The response is overwhelming and David pours out his hear in prayer and praise to God. Solomon is made king the second time. The book closes with a resume of David’s rule. In chapter 28:8 David declares the condition whereby they may posses this good land, and leave it for an inheritance to their children. They ought to observe and seek out all the commandments of the Lord. And, today? Ought we not obey the guidance of the living God? The One who is still speaking? In chapter 29:14 is a humbling reminder that “all things come from thee, and of they own have we given thee.”
