Chapter 15:1 introduces still another sign or portent, the seven bowls of the wrath of God that are to be poured on those who bear the mark of the beast. Probably John thinks of this series as a third woe announced in 11:14. It resembles the plagues of the 7 seals and of the 7 trumpets and like the 2 earlier series of calamities, is a manifestation of the wrath of God on his enemies. This is the third and last series of 7, but the final destruction of Rome and the final judgment of the beast and the dragon are still to follow. The seven angels no doubt are the traditional 7 archangels of late Jewish angelology.
Chapter 15:1 introduces still another sign or portent, the seven bowls of the wrath of God that are to be poured on those who bear the mark of the beast. Probably John thinks of this series as a third woe announced in 11:14. It resembles the plagues of the 7 seals and of the 7 trumpets and like the 2 earlier series of calamities, is a manifestation of the wrath of God on his enemies. This is the third and last series of 7, but the final destruction of Rome and the final judgment of the beast and the dragon are still to follow. The seven angels no doubt are the traditional 7 archangels of late Jewish angelology.