In a second group of 7 the seer lists the 7 catastrophes that follow the opening of the last of the seals, the 7 plagues released by blasts of the trumpets of doom. It is widely held that the material in chapter 11 John has adapted from earlier Jewish apocalyptic material. In the reworking of an older source the author’s message becomes very hard to understand. In Chapter 12 the author draws on some formulation of ancient world myths which portray the escape of a divine child from a superhuman enemy at birth. From some such source, the apocalyptist has edited and incorporated this account of a male child born of a sun goddess, persecuted by a 7 headed dragon, and miraculously taken up to the throne of God. The purpose of the narrative is to declare that all the devices of Satan to destroy the Christina Lord were foiled. The myth is related as a portent, or sign, for the encouragement of Christians under persecution.
In a second group of 7 the seer lists the 7 catastrophes that follow the opening of the last of the seals, the 7 plagues released by blasts of the trumpets of doom. It is widely held that the material in chapter 11 John has adapted from earlier Jewish apocalyptic material. In the reworking of an older source the author’s message becomes very hard to understand. In Chapter 12 the author draws on some formulation of ancient world myths which portray the escape of a divine child from a superhuman enemy at birth. From some such source, the apocalyptist has edited and incorporated this account of a male child born of a sun goddess, persecuted by a 7 headed dragon, and miraculously taken up to the throne of God. The purpose of the narrative is to declare that all the devices of Satan to destroy the Christina Lord were foiled. The myth is related as a portent, or sign, for the encouragement of Christians under persecution.