John Dominic Crossan in In Search of Paul writes “…we have seen…how carefully you must decide what Lukan information may or may not be used for understanding Paul. It cannot be done simply according to one’s own likes and dislikes, but must be done according to whether Luke disagrees with Paul (omit it), whether Luke adds to Paul but within his own rather than Paul’s theology (bracket it), and whether Luke adds to Paul but within Paul’s rather than Luke’s own theology (keep it)…In this book we accept…that the following…are inauthentic…1-2 Timothy and Titus(very strong consensus)….Our basic argument is that the New testament content and sequence has literally and figuratively framed Paul by locating those seven authentic Pauline letters after Luke’s Acts of the Apostles, which correct Paul’s story before we read him, and among or before those inauthentic letters, which correct Paul’s theology after we have read him.”
John Dominic Crossan in In Search of Paul writes “…we have seen…how carefully you must decide what Lukan information may or may not be used for understanding Paul. It cannot be done simply according to one’s own likes and dislikes, but must be done according to whether Luke disagrees with Paul (omit it), whether Luke adds to Paul but within his own rather than Paul’s theology (bracket it), and whether Luke adds to Paul but within Paul’s rather than Luke’s own theology (keep it)…In this book we accept…that the following…are inauthentic…1-2 Timothy and Titus(very strong consensus)….Our basic argument is that the New testament content and sequence has literally and figuratively framed Paul by locating those seven authentic Pauline letters after Luke’s Acts of the Apostles, which correct Paul’s story before we read him, and among or before those inauthentic letters, which correct Paul’s theology after we have read him.”