John Dominic Crossan in In Search of Paul writes “1 Corinthians 12-14 makes it clear that “to love” means “to share” and that all other Spirit gifts or Spirit functions are worthless unless received, used, and shared with all for the common good…Prophets take precedence over glossolalists because “those who prophesy speak to other people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation,” while “those who speak in a tongue build up themselves…Again and again, Paul reverts to his basic principle;”Let all things be done for building up”…the only hierarchy that Paul accepts is the primacy of those who best build up the community, and that can only be done by those who love, that is, those who share fully and completely what they have received as not their own to have, to use, or to boast about.” How well do we share?
John Dominic Crossan in In Search of Paul writes “1 Corinthians 12-14 makes it clear that “to love” means “to share” and that all other Spirit gifts or Spirit functions are worthless unless received, used, and shared with all for the common good…Prophets take precedence over glossolalists because “those who prophesy speak to other people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation,” while “those who speak in a tongue build up themselves…Again and again, Paul reverts to his basic principle;”Let all things be done for building up”…the only hierarchy that Paul accepts is the primacy of those who best build up the community, and that can only be done by those who love, that is, those who share fully and completely what they have received as not their own to have, to use, or to boast about.” How well do we share?