Yahweh talks to Moses about holiness which now resides in the priesthood. To protect the priest from impurities he shall not go out of the sanctuary. Along with the sabbath they incorporate the passover, the feast of unleavened bread, the day of atonement, and the feast of booths into their culture sort of like we fit St. Nicolas, Santa Claus, and Christmas into one blurry winter holiday. They have begun marking time in months according to the Babylonian calendar.
Yahweh talks to Moses about holiness which now resides in the priesthood. To protect the priest from impurities he shall not go out of the sanctuary. Along with the sabbath they incorporate the passover, the feast of unleavened bread, the day of atonement, and the feast of booths into their culture sort of like we fit St. Nicolas, Santa Claus, and Christmas into one blurry winter holiday. They have begun marking time in months according to the Babylonian calendar.