In Leviticus God tabernacles in the midst of his people and priests have developed a sacrificial system. They "throw blood round about" in reverence of blood, the mystery of life. They move from a pastoral to an agricultural community where "anyone brings a ceral offering". The cereal offering is seasoned with "the salt of the covenant" reminding folks of their covenant relation with Yahweh. Anyone can bring a "peace offering" where peace in Hebrew meant much more than absence of conflict. Peace included health, wealth, wisdom, and general well-being. The purity code is all about perfection. Sin happens when the performance isn't perfect. "If the whole congregation of Israel commits a sin unwittingly and the thing is hidden from the eyes of the assembly" sacrifice is necessary. It's all about ritual purity, not moral offense. Here we have moved from human sacrifice, to animal sacrifice, to cereal offering. And, we have moved from first person conversations with God to third person conversations through the priest in ritual.
In Leviticus God tabernacles in the midst of his people and priests have developed a sacrificial system. They "throw blood round about" in reverence of blood, the mystery of life. They move from a pastoral to an agricultural community where "anyone brings a ceral offering". The cereal offering is seasoned with "the salt of the covenant" reminding folks of their covenant relation with Yahweh. Anyone can bring a "peace offering" where peace in Hebrew meant much more than absence of conflict. Peace included health, wealth, wisdom, and general well-being. The purity code is all about perfection. Sin happens when the performance isn't perfect. "If the whole congregation of Israel commits a sin unwittingly and the thing is hidden from the eyes of the assembly" sacrifice is necessary. It's all about ritual purity, not moral offense. Here we have moved from human sacrifice, to animal sacrifice, to cereal offering. And, we have moved from first person conversations with God to third person conversations through the priest in ritual.