Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 194 Ecclesiastes 9-12

Day 194 Ecclesiastes 9-12

1 comment:

  1. Life is aimless maintains the author. Although wisdom’s value may not be apparent, foolishness is worthless. However, he advises, although we may be unable to find the meaning in the totality of life here under the sun, we should not be paralyzed. Why not just enjoy things when they come, and as they come? And, enjoy youth while you have it! Easier said than done, in my opinion. The struggle for independence and education left most of us anxious with more questions than answers. With age have come no less questions. However, the ability to live with the questions has made living in the now to enjoy the present easier. The publisher of the book closes Ecclesiastes with a reminder that the author never compromised the truth as he saw it in order to say what was pleasing. A second epilogue seems to be written by a pious editor who has censured some of the sharp words of the writer.
