Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 329 Romans 15-16

Day 329 Romans 15-16

1 comment:

  1. Rev. Michael Piazza in Liberating Word says of Romans 16:25-27 “…Paul regards the gospel of inclusion as the consummate revelation of God's truth. This good news wasn't always known; in fact, for long ages it was a secret, a mystery. Now we know that the good news/gospel is for all people including Gentiles, like those to whom Paul is writing.
    Paul himself seems to get sidetracked, distracted by other doctrine or theology or rules or traditions. He gets caught up at times in the cultural values of his day, like how women or slaves should be treated. Still, Paul knows deep in his heart that the most important revelation that Jesus came to bring is that God's love should be “made known to all.”
    This gospel should bring to our lips a song, a doxology. The heart of our thanksgiving should be our inclusion into the family of God….”
