It is in Chapter 9 that we read of the conversion of Saul. Do you believe that Paul’s conversion was as sudden as it is described here? I don’t. I think Paul was a seeker like all the rest of us. He had been torn between the demands of the law and his own conscience for a long time, between the rigid religion of his childhood and the liberating teachings of Jesus. Then, suddenly he saw the Light. And, did he have a real encounter on the Damascus road? Physically real? Maybe not. But, real, in that after the experience he was a different person. We’ve all had moments like that to varying degrees.
It is in Chapter 9 that we read of the conversion of Saul. Do you believe that Paul’s conversion was as sudden as it is described here? I don’t. I think Paul was a seeker like all the rest of us. He had been torn between the demands of the law and his own conscience for a long time, between the rigid religion of his childhood and the liberating teachings of Jesus. Then, suddenly he saw the Light. And, did he have a real encounter on the Damascus road? Physically real? Maybe not. But, real, in that after the experience he was a different person. We’ve all had moments like that to varying degrees.