Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 324 Acts 24-28

Day 324 Acts 24-28

1 comment:

  1. In chapter 24, Tertullus, a Jewish lawyer, presents the case against Paul. He gives false flattery to Felix and plain honesty about Paul. He is a pest, a public nuisance. Paul was disturbing the Roman peace. Roman’s definition of peace was lack of conflict. Paul disturbed people’s thinking, yanking them out of their oppressive rut. Paul, unlike the lawyer, paid sincere compliments to Felix, and proceeded with the facts. He had been in the city only 12 days, had had no arguments with anyone, and caused no riots. He came only to bring financial relief to his people. Felix was in the dilemma which almost all public officials are in. He had basically good instincts. Yet, he lived and worked in a world of ruthless competition where ideals had no chance at all against the private and selfish interest groups. How like our present day politicians whose personal and public lives are split into two separate spheres!
