Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 291 Mark 7-9

Day 291 Mark 7-9

1 comment:

  1. The opening section of chapter 7 includes many saying of Jesus on tradition. One must choose between the commandments of God, the “weightier matters of the law,” and man-made traditions with their burdensome observances. Opposing him are the Jerusalem scribes and the local Pharisees who cite the violation of hand washing, pot and pan scouring codes yet are blind to the authentic work of God. Jesus reminds us “There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.” Always addressing the interior offenses of slander, pride, foolishness, Jesus encounters a response from people who can only see offenses on the material side of life; theft, murder, adultery. In chapter 9 Jesus is transfigured before them. The exact nature of the experience is unclear, but the experience of it was a high hour of vision which the disciples can trust. It becomes the anchor in their mind in the days to come that enables them to maintain clear vision in turbulent times. Our transfiguration moments might be less dramatic, yet those memories tattooed in our mind when God worked miracles in our life, are the ones we hang on to when times get tough. Living in anticipation of the saving grace of God, we keep on keeping on in loving trust of the divine hand of God in all things. We are never disappointed!
