Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 240 Ezekiel 5-9

Day 240 Ezekiel 5-9

1 comment:

  1. For Ezekiel Jerusalem is the center of the earth. Is it the power center or the moral center? For a short time, during the reign of Davie, it was both. Because Jerusalem is in the center of the world, the eyes of God are upon her, as well as those of men. While Ezekiel foresees the course of events that will take place he proposes no remedy. He simply states his theme, “Ye shall know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel speaks of the impending catastrophe as God’s judgment on the nation and the inevitable consequence of its misdeeds. Humankind can no longer find security in wealth, armament, nor religion. Ezekiel sees the need for final trust not in religion but in God. Although Ezekiel sees what is taking place as a judgment of God, he feels that it must be made to serve a good end. When doom falls, those who opposed evil strive not for their safety but for their redemption. God set a mark upon their foreheads, a sign that he elects them to share in his redemptive pain. May we bear in our hearts the pain of redemption and the hope for new life.
