Yahweh speaks to the prophets. God is displeased with external worship with no internal sincerity. Chapter 59 contains the proverb about evil works-those acts that do positive harm to oneself and others. Of lesser concern are works that serve no useful purpose. “Behold in the day of our fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers.” Even then the working class had little protection in the workplace. ”Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, Here I am.” God himself is the response to prayer. The specific requests which we make may or may not be granted. Yet, God always answers with his presence, his own thought and love. Whatever we pray for, the unfailing response is God-Here I am. Chapter 60 reads like a poem about the new act of divine salvation- a glorified temple, a rebuilt and open city, a gathered people, the drawing in of the nations. The return from exile may not have been all that men hoped for, but there were those who could see in it the reality of God’s saving power.
Yahweh speaks to the prophets. God is displeased with external worship with no internal sincerity. Chapter 59 contains the proverb about evil works-those acts that do positive harm to oneself and others. Of lesser concern are works that serve no useful purpose. “Behold in the day of our fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers.” Even then the working class had little protection in the workplace. ”Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, Here I am.” God himself is the response to prayer. The specific requests which we make may or may not be granted. Yet, God always answers with his presence, his own thought and love. Whatever we pray for, the unfailing response is God-Here I am. Chapter 60 reads like a poem about the new act of divine salvation- a glorified temple, a rebuilt and open city, a gathered people, the drawing in of the nations. The return from exile may not have been all that men hoped for, but there were those who could see in it the reality of God’s saving power.