In Chapter 11 honesty is not just the best policy. It is under divine sanction. Pride, the confidence that one knows wisdom, is the prime deterrent to the seeker after wisdom. The generous man will receive generously in return. Intelligence is more important than beauty. Chapter 12 addresses kindness. Kindness to animals is a natural expression of the kindly and generous ethical philosophy of the wise man. Man’s word must be absolutely dependable. God requires it. The words of the wise are always kind. In fact, kind words create health and joy. Chapter 13 engages in psychological observation. Anxiety and unfulfilled longing result in psychological depression and even physical illness, while a desire suddenly satisfied often seems to release new psychic and physical energies.
In Chapter 11 honesty is not just the best policy. It is under divine sanction. Pride, the confidence that one knows wisdom, is the prime deterrent to the seeker after wisdom. The generous man will receive generously in return. Intelligence is more important than beauty. Chapter 12 addresses kindness. Kindness to animals is a natural expression of the kindly and generous ethical philosophy of the wise man. Man’s word must be absolutely dependable. God requires it. The words of the wise are always kind. In fact, kind words create health and joy. Chapter 13 engages in psychological observation. Anxiety and unfulfilled longing result in psychological depression and even physical illness, while a desire suddenly satisfied often seems to release new psychic and physical energies.