Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 184 Proverbs 8-10

Day 184 Proverbs 8-10

1 comment:

  1. In Chapter 8 wisdom speaks to all the sons of men, not just to men of Israel. Poetically she is pictured as standing by God’s side when the rest of the world was made. Eventually we will see Wisdom develop as a doctrine of cosmic wisdom, part of the doctrine of Logos, basic to understanding new testament Christology. Wisdom emphasizes straightforwardness as opposed to crookedness, and humility as opposed to arrogance. Kings rule by her. The life promised is not everlasting life but a rich and full life in man’s present existence. Again, in Chapter 9, wisdom is personified and invites guests to a rich banquet. When the appeal is extended to the scoffer, it falls on deaf ears. Folly also speaks. She is modeled by the loose woman who has been so prominent in preceding chapters. She sits lazily at the door, loudly inviting passers-by to a meal of bread and water. She suggests that her food is more delightful because it is forbidden. Unwary youth are unaware that this is the entrance to Sheol. Chapter 10 contrasts the wise man and the fool, the righteous and the wicked. Retribution is still a prominent doctrine under the control of God. Laziness is intolerable and love is better than hatred. Young folk should be leery of sloth and luxurious living. Simply talking too much is evil!
