Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 169 Psalms 79-84

Day 169 Psalms 79-84

1 comment:

  1. Jerusalem is again sacked and destroyed. In Psalm 79 the people bewail the slaughter and beseech the Lord to free the captive Jews and punish their enemy. In turn they will offer eternal thanks. Prayers for the northern kingdom are offered in Psalm 80. “If your face shine upon us then we shall be safe.” In Psalm 81 the Lord speaks in a divine oracle to remind them that it was he who led them out of Egypt and commanded them to worship no other God. He punished them for their disobedience, but will reward them with victory and prosperity if they will but obey. In Psalm 82 God arises in the divine assembly and passes judgment against the wicked judges. Again, in Psalm 83, Israel faces a hostile alliance and appeals to the God who saved them in days of old. Psalm 84 seems to be one of the Pilgrims Songs sung on the journeys to the temple for the annual feasts. “O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in thee!”
