Psalm 68 was written to be sung as the ark of the covenant was carried in solemn procession into the temple. God is referred to as The Rider of the Clouds, an ancient Canaanite literary expression from before the time of Moses. It is interesting to me that every lamenting psalm, of which Psalm 69 is one, the prayer is not only for vindication but for punishment of the evildoer as well. And, then, the bargain with God is the promise of praise and sacrifice. Psalm 70 is the cry of the poor, “I am afflicted and poor; O God, hasten to me!” Psalm 71 is the prayer of the senior citizens. Its tone is mellow. In the maturity that comes with age, the humble prayer asks only for help with no mention of revenge. May we all put aside revenge in our prayers
Psalm 68 was written to be sung as the ark of the covenant was carried in solemn procession into the temple. God is referred to as The Rider of the Clouds, an ancient Canaanite literary expression from before the time of Moses. It is interesting to me that every lamenting psalm, of which Psalm 69 is one, the prayer is not only for vindication but for punishment of the evildoer as well. And, then, the bargain with God is the promise of praise and sacrifice. Psalm 70 is the cry of the poor, “I am afflicted and poor; O God, hasten to me!” Psalm 71 is the prayer of the senior citizens. Its tone is mellow. In the maturity that comes with age, the humble prayer asks only for help with no mention of revenge. May we all put aside revenge in our prayers