It is not until after the second dinner that Esther petitions for herself and her people. The king is seemingly unaware of the edict issued by Haman. The king orders Haman’s execution on the gallows Haman has prepared for Mordecai. Mordecai is promoted to be the prime minister. Since by Persian law the royal decree cannot be revoked, the king instructs Esther and Mordecai to “write as you please” a new decree to revoke the destruction of the Jews. As enemies arise they are slaughtered by the Jews. Esther, not satisfied with the killing of five hundred on the first day of slaughter, orders a second day, whereupon three hundred more are executed. It is surely fiction! The Jews have no casualties. Letters to all the Jews establishes a new holiday, Purim, to be celebrated. The legality of Purim is further established by a command of Queen Esther in a joint letter with Mordecai. Mordecai is the man who “sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people”. It is from this heritage that Jesus comes to us with his message of inclusiveness.
It is not until after the second dinner that Esther petitions for herself and her people. The king is seemingly unaware of the edict issued by Haman. The king orders Haman’s execution on the gallows Haman has prepared for Mordecai. Mordecai is promoted to be the prime minister. Since by Persian law the royal decree cannot be revoked, the king instructs Esther and Mordecai to “write as you please” a new decree to revoke the destruction of the Jews. As enemies arise they are slaughtered by the Jews. Esther, not satisfied with the killing of five hundred on the first day of slaughter, orders a second day, whereupon three hundred more are executed. It is surely fiction! The Jews have no casualties. Letters to all the Jews establishes a new holiday, Purim, to be celebrated. The legality of Purim is further established by a command of Queen Esther in a joint letter with Mordecai. Mordecai is the man who “sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people”. It is from this heritage that Jesus comes to us with his message of inclusiveness.