Jehoshaphat has a glorious reign of piety and military power. He appoints 5 lay princes, 9 Levites, and 2 priets to go throughout Judah and teach the people the law of God according to the Chronicler. The 2 kingdoms are brought together by the marriage of Jehoram to Athaliah, the Ball worshiping daughter of Ahab and Jezebel- an alliance which led to idolatry into Judah and the near extinction of the royal family. Jehoshaphat is rebuked for making this alliance, but is promised to be spared divine retribution because of his inherent goodness. Courts are set up throughout the land and in Jerusalem higher courts of appeal are set up. In 19:4 Jehoshaphat says “Ye judge not for man, but for the Lord.” Don’t you wish our politicians would take this seriously in order to administer justice without corruption?
Jehoshaphat has a glorious reign of piety and military power. He appoints 5 lay princes, 9 Levites, and 2 priets to go throughout Judah and teach the people the law of God according to the Chronicler. The 2 kingdoms are brought together by the marriage of Jehoram to Athaliah, the Ball worshiping daughter of Ahab and Jezebel- an alliance which led to idolatry into Judah and the near extinction of the royal family. Jehoshaphat is rebuked for making this alliance, but is promised to be spared divine retribution because of his inherent goodness. Courts are set up throughout the land and in Jerusalem higher courts of appeal are set up. In 19:4 Jehoshaphat says “Ye judge not for man, but for the Lord.” Don’t you wish our politicians would take this seriously in order to administer justice without corruption?