God, housed in the ark of the covenant, now chooses to live in the temple built during the reign of Solomon. An oracle expresses God's acceptance and approval of the temple with promises to be fulfilled if the ordinances and commands are observed. The temple, constructed with slave labor, will result of Jeroboam's rebellion. Cedar and cypress is imported from Lebanon, woodsmen from Phoenicia and Hiram, the most important bronze artisan. Two hollow free standing columns Jachin and Boaz stand on the temple porch. Some say the meaning of the names is lost. Others say the names are related to God's power(Boaz) founding (Jachin) the temple and his people.
God, housed in the ark of the covenant, now chooses to live in the temple built during the reign of Solomon. An oracle expresses God's acceptance and approval of the temple with promises to be fulfilled if the ordinances and commands are observed. The temple, constructed with slave labor, will result of Jeroboam's rebellion. Cedar and cypress is imported from Lebanon, woodsmen from Phoenicia and Hiram, the most important bronze artisan. Two hollow free standing columns Jachin and Boaz stand on the temple porch. Some say the meaning of the names is lost. Others say the names are related to God's power(Boaz) founding (Jachin) the temple and his people.