Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 101 - 1 Kings 13-15

Day 101 - 1 Kings 13-15

1 comment:

  1. According to prophetic legend, a Judean man of God utters an oracle against the Bethel altar, saying that one day Josiah will defile the altar by slaying the priests on it. Furthermore, the altar will break up into ashes. Upon hearing this, the angry king tries to order the arrest but his arm is paralyzed. The altar tumbles into ruins. At the intercession of the holy man the king's arm is restored. The sequel is about a Bethel prophet who gives a lying oracle and a true oracle. The editor insists that Jeroboam has committed the unpardonable crime-the consecration of the illegitimate priesthood. The consequence has to be extermination of the royal house. Ahijah, another prophet, denounces the actions of the renegade king. Jeroboam moves his capital from Shechem to Tirzah. Reroboam dies and Rehoboam's reign begins. His mother is one of the foreign wives of Solomon, an Ammonite. Against him are leveled similar accusations including male cult prostitutes. During his reign, Shishak, ruler of Egypt, invades Jerusalem. When he dies, he is succeeded by his son, Abijam. He, too, is comdemned by the editor. After three year, Asa emerges as the king. Because of cultic reform he is viewed favorably by the editor. After military and political accomplishments he dies. It is noted that in his latter days he was diseased in his feet. Nadab, the next king, is assassinated after less than two years in power. Baasha ruled from Tirzah for twenty four years.
