The story centers on Samuel but the hero is David. Seven sons of Jesse are viewed by Samuel but not chosen by Yahweh. Samuel is told to anoint the youngest, David. God's spirit has abandoned Saul and is no longer qualified to rule. David arrives at the court of Saul with the musical therapy of the lyre. David now moves forward as Saul's legitimate successor. He is insulted that this heathen, Goliath, defies the armies of the living God. He steps forward to fight Yahweh's battle. With the spirit of Yahweh upon him, David becomes the vessel through which Yahweh defeats the Philistines.
The story centers on Samuel but the hero is David. Seven sons of Jesse are viewed by Samuel but not chosen by Yahweh. Samuel is told to anoint the youngest, David. God's spirit has abandoned Saul and is no longer qualified to rule. David arrives at the court of Saul with the musical therapy of the lyre. David now moves forward as Saul's legitimate successor. He is insulted that this heathen, Goliath, defies the armies of the living God. He steps forward to fight Yahweh's battle. With the spirit of Yahweh upon him, David becomes the vessel through which Yahweh defeats the Philistines.