Naomi, a Hebrew, has two sons who marry Moabite women. When Naomi's husband and two sons die Naomi "started with her daughters-in-law to return" them to their homeland. They chose, instead, to return with Naomi to her people. Orpah finally left "but Ruth clung to her." Naomi changes her nameto Mara, hence a change of heart has taken place. Ruth gleaned quite successfully in Boaz' barley fields and slept on the threshing floor where Boaz slept and approached him about being the next of kin, hence in line to be her new husband. Actually, he was not the next of kin. However, the next of kin declined his right of redemption since it would impair his inheritance. Boaz married Ruth who gave bitrh to Obed, "the father of Jesse, the father of David."
Naomi, a Hebrew, has two sons who marry Moabite women. When Naomi's husband and two sons die Naomi "started with her daughters-in-law to return" them to their homeland. They chose, instead, to return with Naomi to her people. Orpah finally left "but Ruth clung to her." Naomi changes her nameto Mara, hence a change of heart has taken place. Ruth gleaned quite successfully in Boaz' barley fields and slept on the threshing floor where Boaz slept and approached him about being the next of kin, hence in line to be her new husband. Actually, he was not the next of kin. However, the next of kin declined his right of redemption since it would impair his inheritance. Boaz married Ruth who gave bitrh to Obed, "the father of Jesse, the father of David."