Chapter 29 is an oracle against the Pharaoh of Egypt. Egypt is completely dependent on the nature of the Nile. If the melting snows on the Ethiopian mountains do not swell the Nile, Egypt starves. The Nile creates rich soil as it leaves its deposits on the region. Yet in his arrogance, Pharaoh had declared the he is the creator of the Nile. He further promises to support Judah and Syria in their efforts to revolt against the conqueror. Yet he has no intention of making good the promise. When the Egyptians are defeated Ezekiel likens it to a man wounded in one arm and forced to drop his sword. Not only will there be no healing, but the other arm will soon be shattered. The time has come for the sword to be transferred from Egypt to Babylon. Chapter 31 furnishes another illustration of our dependence on nature. The cedar of Lebanon with imposing branches and height is dependent on its roots for life. So, too, is national life dependent on personal integrity, family life, and reverence for the rule of God.
Chapter 29 is an oracle against the Pharaoh of Egypt. Egypt is completely dependent on the nature of the Nile. If the melting snows on the Ethiopian mountains do not swell the Nile, Egypt starves. The Nile creates rich soil as it leaves its deposits on the region. Yet in his arrogance, Pharaoh had declared the he is the creator of the Nile. He further promises to support Judah and Syria in their efforts to revolt against the conqueror. Yet he has no intention of making good the promise. When the Egyptians are defeated Ezekiel likens it to a man wounded in one arm and forced to drop his sword. Not only will there be no healing, but the other arm will soon be shattered. The time has come for the sword to be transferred from Egypt to Babylon. Chapter 31 furnishes another illustration of our dependence on nature. The cedar of Lebanon with imposing branches and height is dependent on its roots for life. So, too, is national life dependent on personal integrity, family life, and reverence for the rule of God.